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Walking Club

Although many people enjoy the peace and tranquillity of walking alone, walking can be a very social pastime and a great way to meet new people. It is an excellent way to get fit whilst spending time with friends and family. However, you can also make new friends whilst walking if you decide to join our walking club.

Our routes can give you the opportunity to try out interesting new walks that you might never have considered if you were planning your own routes. It will give you the chance to visit areas that you might not have chosen if you were alone. Seeing the area as part of a formally organised route can help to give you a completely different experience.

Walking is a good way to get fit. It strengthens the heart and improves circulation by raising the heart rate to a safe level. Walking also gives people the opportunity to spend time in the fresh air and away from some major air pollutants.

If you are wearing proper walking boots/shoes and take the right precautions, walking will also improve bone and muscle-strength. In general, moderate walking will not put unnecessary stresses and strains onto the human body, and there are therefore fewer accumulative health risks than those associated with high intensity sports. Being part of a group will help to give some people the additional boost that they need to go for a walk or do a healthy exercise even if they are not feeling completely enthusiastic about working out. The walking group helps to provide a support network that offers assistance and encouragement when needed.

For any information contact our Councillor in charge of our Sports Committee Mr. Aiken Zerafa.